Empowering Students Worldwide

Since 2017, Skill Samurai has been working to empower students' lives through education. Skill Samurai has sponsored a number of international projects: teaching sewing and business skills to women in Bangladesh, orphanage construction in India, and educating children in Nairobi.

Muthyampet, India

Angel House

In the Fall of 2021, Skill Samurai Founder, Jeff Hughes, fulfilled a long-term dream of funding the construction of a small home for orphans in India. The home will be ready in the Fall of 2022

Nairobi Kenya

Even as Skill Samurai pursues its mission to help children in North America build the skills and traits they need to thrive in life, many children in Kenya will never get the same opportunity. We’ve formed an alliance with International Needs Canada, a non-profit organization that works with vulnerable children all over the world. Starting in June, we’ll be supporting a group of 10 extremely at-risk children and youth who live in unimaginable conditions in Kawangware slum, Kenya. 
 These children have been orphaned, abandoned, or live under constant fear from parents, who in some of the cases are alcoholics, sex workers, and abusers. Some of the parents are trying hard to work, but can’t find employment to support the household. And so, they live in the slums, with up to eight people crammed into a one-room house made of aluminum sheets and no electricity or running water. These families live hand-to-mouth, searching dumpsites for leftovers, and thankful to get one meal a day. The children have no money to attend school, and many become addicted to drugs, get drawn into street life, or become pregnant after being raped.
 International Needs has rescued these children and brought them to a safe house and drop-in centre, away from the risks of being at home or on the streets. Here they receive an education, healthy meals, medical care, and psychosocial counselling. Instead of neglect, these young people get a sense of belonging, a much-needed boost to their self-esteem, and motivation to go to school so they can fulfill their God-given potential. More than anything, they feel loved.  
 Skill Samurai is very excited to partner with the International Needs safe house, so we can walk alongside these 10 children for a time. We hope to see transformation and change take place in their lives. And every time a new office opens, we’ll support one more child. Our goal is to eventually see 100 faces on this page!

Children We Sponsor

Safe House Kawangware Slum, Kenya

Child Empowerment


Children who grow up in poverty are easy prey for gangs, prostitution, forced labour, and trafficking. With your help, some of the most at-risk children around the world are able to discover their unique value and purpose so they can confidently pursue their own paths in life.



Here’s what your support accomplishes when you sponsor a child or a group of children


Educated Minds

Quality education opens up more choices in life.


Healthy Bodies

Children learn better when they’re healthy and well-fed.


Character Development

Mentoring instill values and hope.


Life Skills

Social and vocational skills help them find jobs and earn income.

Want to get involved?

Learn how you you can work with us to sponsor children in Nairobi.

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